Training Schedule Calendar
Our team currently provides Prevention Specialist, Youth Leadership and Soft Skills training for youth and adults.
We are pleased to offer the following Prevention/ Behavioral Health topics via Zoom:
Prevention Specialist Competency Training
Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF)
Prevention Ethics (or Ethics refresher)
Prevention Across the Lifespan
Risk and Protective Factors and Resilience
Media as a Risk Factor
Social Determinants of Mental Health
Strategies for Strengthening Families
Child and Adolescent Development
Elements of Cultural Competency
Increasing Capacity
Comprehensive Program Planning
Incorporating Media into your Programs/ Coalition’s Strategic Plan
Sharpening Your Presentation Skills
Facilitation Skills for Professionals
Social Norms Campaign
Evaluation- Inputs, outputs and Outcomes
Supervision of the Prevention Specialist
Keeping up with Change: The Evolving Role of the Prevention Specialist
A Qualified Workforce: Core Competencies for Prevention Specialists
Substance Abuse Prevention: Strategies for Living in the World of Behavioral Health
Ageism– Risk and Protective Factors for Older Adults
It’s Time to Talk…Again: Behaviors of Concern for Older Adults
Changing Community Conditions through Public Policy
Organizing the Community for Prevention
A Competent Workforce: Prevention Specialist Certification
Certified Prevention Specialist Exam Preparation
Suicide Prevention- At the Intersection of Suicide, Substance Abuse and Mental Health.
Professional Workforce and Staff Development:
Effective communication
Training trainers
Public speaking
Supervision training
Job description development
Staff evaluation
Exit interviewing
Non-profit board training
Grant writing
Fund raising
Team building
Staff self-care and burnout
Personality profiles
ATOD Specific:
Drugs of Abuse
Drug addiction and the brain
Opioids: The Making of a Crisis
Marijuana: The Science and Society
Vaping: The New Social Phenomenon
Alcohol and Drug Effects on the Brain
Previous Prevention Training Institutes and Academies
More in ’24- We gave away 2,024 hours of free training !
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