Substance Abuse/ Prevention Workshops

Addiction: Drugs and the brain, Criteria for defining use, abuse, addiction & substance use disorders, NIDA Principles of effective addiction treatment.

Advocacy:  Education, lobbing & advocacy, How to advocate for healthy and safe communities, Implementation of a community-based social norms campaign to bring about environmental change.

Alternative Activities: Community/ school based, Youth leadership, Evaluating effectiveness, Building community capacity, Community sponsored/ Sustainability

ATOD: Fast facts about Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana, Prescription Drugs, Synthetics, Vaping and Edibles, Competent online resources

Building Capacity through Networking: Networking strategies, levels of networking, internal & external partnerships, collaborative analysis, capacity building.

Classroom Management: Establishing norms, Classroom management plan, Strategies for classroom management, Handling misbehavior, Clear & concise communication.

Community Coalition: Community Assessment, Building the Strategic Prevention Framework into your coalition, Creating a data driven logic model and a detailed action plan for your coalition, Using evaluation to determine your coalition’s success, Using media advocacy and Environmental strategies.

Comprehensive Strategic Planning: Assessment, Logic model, Annual plan, Metrics, Evaluation

Conducting Focus Groups: Qualitative vs. Quantitative data, Participant selection, Survey questions, Report findings

Data, Data, Data: Types of data, Collection methods & sources, Analyzing & interpreting, Reporting

Drugs of Abuse: Drug History & Laws, Classification, DEA Schedules, Drug Trends, Marijuana Myths, Vaping, e-cigs, honey butane oil, edibles, Use, abuse, addiction & treatment.

Environmental Strategies: Addressing underage drinking, marijuana, prescription drug abuse with environmental change, Analyzing/ selecting evidenced-based strategies, Building community capacity, Policy adoption.

Evaluation: Formative, Process, Outcome and Impact Evaluation, Quantitative and Qualitative Methods, Evaluation Planning, and Elements of a good data report.

Facilitating Effective Community MeetingsFacilitating effective community-based meetings, landmarks in the group process, dealing with challenges and consensus building techniques.

Fundamentals of Prevention Series: Complete training available within the following six domains and their associated tasks.
1. Planning and Evaluation
2. Prevention Education and Service Delivery
3. Communication
4. Community Organization
5. Public Policy and Environmental Change
6. Professional Growth and Responsibility

Logic Models: Elements of a logic model, “If/ then” statements, External factors, Outcomes chain, Theory of change

MOU’s & LOA’s: Building community support, Increasing readiness, Engaging each sector

Prescription Drug Abuse: Your Brain & Body, Drugs, Medicines & Prescriptions, Abuse & Addiction

Presentation Skills:  Curriculum development, ADDIE model, Effective adult learning, Audio/ visuals, Incorporating activities into presentations

Prevention Ethics: CPS Ethics, Confidentiality, Ethical Decision Making, Ethics Issues in Prevention

Prevention Specialist Certification Training:       Certification Requirements, Documentation, Test References, Job Task Analysis, Self-Assessment, Planning & Evaluation, Prevention Education, Service Delivery & Communication, Community Organization, Public Policy and Environmental Change, Professional Growth and Responsibility

Prevention Specialist Training (PST): Prevention across the Lifespan, Risk & Protective Factors, Strategies for Strengthening Families, Cultural Awareness, Child & Adolescent Development

Program Planning: Selecting evidenced-based strategies, Implement an action plan, Planning an evaluation

Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF): Complete trainings available within each of the following areas: Assessment, Capacity, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation, Cultural Competency, Sustainability

Social Norms Campaign: Planning a school or community campaign, Collecting data, Utilizing media

Substance Abuse Prevention Skills Training (SAPST): From Theory to Practice, Assessment, Building Capacity, Cultural Competence, Planning, Implementation, Sustainability, Evaluation

Suicide Prevention- at the Intersection of Suicide, Substance Abuse and Mental Health: Shared risk & protective factors, Postvention, Contagion, Roles in suicide prevention.

Sustainability: Levels of community involvement, Capacity building for sustainability, Getting community buy in, Funding, Turnover


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