Training Schedule      Spring     Summer     Fall     Winter    Calendar

Now that you have completed the curriculum training (SAPST, Ethics,  Core, Life skills, etc.)
do you have the knowledge, skills and abilities you need to deliver the information effectively?”

Title: TIP’s Professional Trainer Development Course          Download the Brochure
Format: Virtual via Zoom
Dates: June 17-19, 2025
Time: 8:30 am- 5:00 pm CST
Continuing Education Hours: 20 CEH’s   
(8 hrs. in IC&RC Domain 2: Prevention Education and Service Delivery and 12 hrs. in IC&RC Domain 3: Communication)
Price: $450
Registration Links: June 17-19, 2025

Now that you have received the curriculum it’s up to you to help participants learn, understand, recall and apply the information.

How do you create and manage positive learning environment where participants leave with knowledge they can use or a new skill that they can immediately apply?

While we can’t teach everything a trainer needs to know in 3 days there are some core topics we will cover: Blooms Taxonomy, Conveying information effectively, How we learn, Learner styles- V.A.R.K., Youth & adult teaching methods, Transferring knowledge to adults, Evaluating learner performance, Audience characteristics, Creating a positive place to learn, Room Set Up and Layout, Five senses for the classroom, Instructor led- learner centered training, Communication skills, Public speaking, Presentation & Facilitation skills and Active listening.

This professional development course provides 3 days of knowledge and skill building for Trainers, Instructors & Presenters to discover how to train, instruct or present the curriculum effectively.

The goal of the TIP’s Professional Development Course is to increase the knowledge and skill set for trainers, instructors & presenters. Upon completion of this training participants will be able to implement an instructor led- participant centered positive learning environment.

Register today January 7-9, 2025  or June 17-19, 2025

Meet the Trainers:

George Comiskey, Psy.D., LCDC, ICPS, began teaching English, Speech and Drama in inner-city Kansas City, MO in 1983.  George is a person in long-term recovery. He has worked in prevention and addiction field since 1990.  Dr. Comiskey is an Internationally Certified Prevention Specialist and a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor. Before coming to Texas Tech, George was the Director of the Safe and Drug-Free Schools/Communities office for Lubbock ISD. George is an Associate Professor of Practice in the Community Family and Addiction Sciences department.  He has the honor of working at the The Center for Students in Addiction Recovery since 2002, where he works with students in recovery, develops programs and provides outreach to the community.

Amy Mellick-Wetzel, Certified Prevention Consultant, has worked in Substance Misuse Prevention for over a decade. She serves as the Regional Prevention Representative with Community Service, Inc., providing alcohol, tobacco, and drug prevention activities and education for Region 6 in Arkansas. She is involved in numerous community coalitions working toward reducing substance misuse among youth and adults as well as changing public policy in those communities. She serves as President for the Arkansas Prevention Certification Board organization “Prevention Professionals of Arkansas”. She is also a graduate of the Russellville Regional Leadership Academy and a Red Coat Ambassador with the Russellville Chamber of Commerce. She lives in Russellville with her husband Cole, and dogs Elvis & Gypsy.

Steve Miller MAPS, CRPS, is a student of creativity, leadership design and storytelling and comes to prevention following a career in radio, television, and professional fundraising. His current mission is to harness this diverse experience and elevate the conversation around prevention and mental health. In his prior role as Director of Mid-America PTTC, Steve consistently heard that staff training and retention was lacking and is grateful to be joining the other professionals involved in this unique and valuable training experience. In his spare time, he is active in the historic preservation of his neighborhood, and in the development of an artist-live-work-district in Springfield, Missouri.

Mitchell Moore BAT, ACPS, LCDC is a dynamic educator who has a passion for training people and serves those who serve by designing and delivering training and across America. He is an advanced certified prevention specialist and licensed chemical dependency counselor who has extensive experience working with youth and families in both prevention and recovery settings. He has served as a counselor, prevention specialist, a grant writer and executive director of a charitable organization. In 2019, he was awarded the Texas Prevention Specialist of the Year. He is currently an independent contractor, a beekeeper and volunteers his time for Prevention Training Services and the Texas Certification Board.