Title: Supervision of Prevention Professionals Conference
Format: Virtual via Zoom
Date: November 6 & 7, 2024
Time: 9 am- 4:00 pm CDT
12 Total Continuing Education Hours: 10.5 Domain 6: Professional Growth and Responsibility and 1.5 hrs. in Domain 3- Communication
Price: $360

The basic goals of supervision of the prevention specialist are to assure the delivery of high-quality interventions, create a positive work environment, and develop staff professional and administrative skills.

As an advancing field of professional service, prevention is expanding through levels of certification and through concurrent initiatives with behavioral health. As the certification process advances in states, jurisdictions and tribes, there is little to no training specifically for supervising prevention staff.

This conference will explore staff development, supervisor roles and characteristics, staff performance evaluation and retention practices.

November 6th-
9:00-10:30- Understanding Facilitative Leadership: Exploring the Continuum of Participation– Karie Terhark
10:30-12:00- What? Me Supervise?– Julie Stevens MPS, ACPS, ICPS
12:00-1:00 Lunch Break
1:00- 4:00- Recruitment and Retention: Challenges for the Prevention Workforce– Sandra Del Sesto M.ED, ACPS

November 7th-
9:00-10:30- The Listening Leader: Building Stronger Teams with Active Engagement– Dave Closson, MS
10:30-12:00- Prevention and Emotional Intelligence: Creating a Culture of Social and Emotional Wellness!– Andrea Hoff, MPA, GPC, OCPC, ICPS
12:00-1:00 Lunch Break
1:00-2:30- Supportive Supervision for Prevention Specialists– Maura McGowan, CPS
2:30- 4:00- Managing Unrealistic Expectations and Difficult Situations– Mitchell Moore BAT, ACPS, LCDC, ADC

All virtual workshops are scheduled in Central Time, CDT, Use the time zone converter , then enter Texas, Houston


November 6th-
9:00-10:30- Understanding Facilitative Leadership: Exploring the Continuum of Participation– This session highlights the differences between the traditional top-down leadership style and a more collaborative, facilitative way of leading groups. It’s all about seeing facilitation as more than just a method, but as a key tool to get everyone engaged and moving forward together. We’ll look at how the level of participation directly shapes leadership effectiveness and discover ways to make decisions that draw on everyone’s strengths. This session aims to start you on your journey to becoming a leader who prioritizes respect and inclusivity, ensuring everyone’s voice is heard and valued in the conversation.

Presenter: Karie Terhark       1.5 hrs. in Domain 6 – Professional Growth and Responsibility
Objectives-Participants will be able to differentiate between Traditional/Hierarchical Leadership and Facilitative Leadership.

10:30-12:00- What? Me Supervise?  As an advancing field of professional service, substance abuse prevention is expanding through levels of certification and through concurrent initiatives with behavioral health. As the certification process advances in states, jurisdictions and tribes, there is little to no training specifically for supervising prevention staff. The basic goals of supervision of the prevention specialist are to assure the delivery of high-quality interventions, create a positive work environment, and develop staff professional and administrative skills. This session will discuss characteristics of effective supervisors, the prevention supervisor job description, and supervision tools.

Presenter: Julie Stevens MPS, ACPS, ICPS          1.5 hrs. in Domain 6 – Professional Growth and Responsibility
Objectives- Participants will be able to identify prevention supervision roles, tasks, and outcomes and increase the ability the supervisor to guide, monitor and evaluate performance of the prevention specialist.

1:00- 4:00- Recruitment and Retention: Challenges for the Prevention Workforce– Workforce development has always been a challenge for prevention-focused organizations. A robust workforce development strategy prioritizes human development and boosts morale, retention, and productivity. Workforce development efforts begin with recruitment; followed by a continuous process of ongoing workforce training, coaching, and mentoring; and the incorporation of strategies for workforce retention as well as replacement. It assumes that those who lead the organization know what is needed for its workforce to be successful and impactful and know what the core and job-specific prevention competencies are. In this webinar, participants will consider the elements and benefits of workforce development and identify strategies for recruitment and retention in the current work environment. The benefits of certification as a tool for growing a competent workforce will be highlighted.

Presenter: Sandra Del Sesto M.ED, ACPS          3 hrs. in Domain 6 – Professional Growth and Responsibility
Objectives: Participants will be able to four recruitment and four retention strategies.

November 7th-
9:00-10:30- The Listening Leader: Building Stronger Teams with Active Engagement– In the fast-paced world of substance misuse prevention, effective communication is paramount. Yet, while we often stress the importance of active listening, we seldom equip leaders with the practical skills to excel in this crucial area. This workshop offers a hands-on, immersive experience designed to bridge this gap. Through a series of engaging activities, participants will explore and practice different facets of active listening: listening with empathy, listening for underlying success factors, and listening to connect. By the end of this session, participants will have honed their listening skills and be better prepared to lead with empathy and understanding. The workshop will culminate in a focused conversation to share insights and collective wisdom, fostering a deeper understanding of the power of active listening.

Presenter: Dave Closson MS      1.5 hrs. in Domain 3- Communication
Objectives: Participants will be able to listen with empathy. This will help them understand and respond to the emotional needs of their team members effectively, improving their ability to build trust and rapport, leading to a more cohesive and collaborative work environment.

10:30-12:00- Prevention and Emotional Intelligence: Creating a Culture of Social and Emotional Wellness!– Prevention organizations have a variety of challenges when it comes to leadership development and management. Considering that – in our field – we often have highly limited financial and personnel resources, these challenges are not surprising. These factors become even more problematic with the growing need for efficiency and effectiveness, all while trying to wear multiple hats. Effectively overcoming these challenges can make the difference between having the ability to build essential working relationships (both internal and external to your organization) that will make your prevention program skyrocket or continue to experience nonstop struggles when working with others. Emotional intelligence (EI) is one (vital!) way to effectively overcome these challenges! EI will give you the foundation and guidance to help you interact, communicate, and collaborate successfully with all types of people, partners, and collaborators. It will also provide you with the highly needed skills on the job to realize effective relationships and teams.

Presenter: Andrea Hoff, MPA, GPC, OCPC, ICPS  1.5 hrs. in Domain 6 – Professional Growth and Responsibility
Objectives: Participants will be able to define emotional intelligence and apply effective skills to boost their emotional intelligence and enhance prevention effectiveness.

Andrea Hoff, MPA, GPC, OCPC, ICPS

1:00-2:30- Supportive Supervision for Prevention Specialists– What can we do to help our Prevention Specialists navigate the challenges of their role and prevent burn-out? What are some ways to offer support and added value to the work they do and the professional they are? This workshop will look at how Supportive Supervision can be utilized to build the internal and external resources our Prevention Specialists need to stay energized in the work of prevention.

Presenter: Maura McGowan, CPS          1.5 hrs. in Domain 6 – Professional Growth and Responsibility
Objectives- Participants will be able to list ways that supportive supervision can increase the effectiveness of their staff and be more responsive to their needs.

2:30- 4:00- Managing Unrealistic Expectations and Difficult Situations- Where did you receive your supervisor training?

After I graduated from Supervisor School and got my associate degree at Coordinators Community College I set out to earn a Managers master’s degree at “U Lead the Way” University. Once I was promoted to Executive Director I began to wish that there were such schools for supervisors, managers and directors.

Supervising people to accomplish the task that they are being paid to do is both an art and a science. It requires accountability on your part and responsibility on theirs. During this workshop we will explore when to be a transformational leader and when to be a transactional leader, offer solutions to unrealistic expectations of supervision and provide an opportunity to discuss how to manage difficult situations.

If you have had the pleasure of managing people then you may have faced some of the following challenges: dealing with different personalities working together, staff resistance to change, being the buffer between staff and administration, continually reminding staff of important deadlines, feeling like you are always in crunch time mode, navigating bureaucracy, being undermined by others, not having a clear vision, feeling like you are not supported, not having anyone to vent your supervisor frustration to, and a plethora of additional challenges.

Presenter: Mitchell Moore BAT, ACPS, LCDC, ADC          1.5 hrs. in Domain 6 – Professional Growth and Responsibility
Objectives- Participants will understand when to use transformational or transactional leadership styles and how to use the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) for supervision.