The six prevention domains, tasks, knowledge & skills are found in the IC&RC PS Candidate Guide  (pages 11-33).

 active listening
 adhering to budget requirements/guidelines
 advocacy and public health promotion
 advocacy in public health promotion and prevention
 applying current prevention theory and evidence-based practice to prevention work
 applying federal and local mandates regarding confidentiality and reporting of suspected abuse and neglect of service recipients
 applying professional codes of conduct/ethics related to the prevention profession
 assessing and building community resources and readiness
 brief intervention and referral
 building rapport
 building sustainable relationships and alliances
 capacity building
 collecting, organizing, analyzing, and reporting funding data
 collecting, organizing, and analyzing data
 collecting, organizing, and interpreting data
 communicating health disparities that impact diverse communities
 communicating prevention policies to decision makers
 community engagement
 conducting activities consistent with strategic prevention planning models
 conducting comprehensive strategic planning activities
 conducting evaluation methods
 conducting strategic planning activities
 continuing professional development through education, self-evaluation, supervision, and consultation to maintain competence and enhance professional effectiveness
 creating comfortable environments
 creative processes
 cultural competence and sensitivity
 cultural responsiveness
 demonstrating cultural competence and sensitivity
 demonstrating ethical decision-making in prevention work
 demonstrating personal use of strategies for healthy living
 developing and implementing media strategies
 developing and implementing social marketing strategies
 developing, modifying, and implementing culturally appropriate materials
 developing, modifying, and implementing materials for the target audience
 effective written and interpersonal communication
 encouraging multiple perspectives
 encouraging participation
 engaging the media
 ensuring outcome-based decisions
 ensuring quality decisions
 evaluating effectiveness of media campaign
 facilitating focus groups
 facilitating group processes
 facilitating groups
 following a work plan
 fostering shared leadership
 handling unexpected issues
 identifying and engaging change agents and policy makers
 identifying and engaging key stakeholders
 identifying appropriate visual aids
 identifying change agents
 identifying current and emerging community leaders
 identifying signs and symptoms of mental, emotional, and behavioral health issues
 identifying signs, symptoms, and progressive stages of addiction
 identifying target audience
 identifying target populations
 implementing capacity-building strategies among diverse groups
 implementing effective, outcome focused prevention programming
 implementing environmental change strategies
 implementing evidence-based practices
 implementing strategies to ensure the safety of program participants
 increasing level of involvement of local and state organizations and cultural groups
 information gathering and data analysis
 integrating behavioral health and physical health
 interpreting and applying prevention program evaluation findings
 involving target audience in all stages of the marketing campaign
 leading discussion
 listening and observation
 maintaining core components when modifying evidence-based programs
 maintaining fidelity when adapting evidence-based programs
 modeling appropriate behaviors and communication skills
 modeling cultural competence and sensitivity
 modifying and implementing instructional materials
 networking and outreach to community partners
 networking and outreach to policy makers
 networking and relationship building
 obtaining copyright permission prior to implementing copyrighted materials/content
 obtaining informed consent of participants
 organizing presentation logically
 planning a media campaign
 preventing and managing conflict
 providing community training
 providing technical assistance
 public health advocacy
 public speaking
 recognizing personal limitations and seeking assistance when needed
 researching topic materials
 resource sharing
 seeking and utilizing feedback
 selecting culturally relevant evaluation instruments/models
 story telling
 synthesizing prevention theories and models
 technical assistance
 time management
 training, mentoring, and organizing community groups and volunteers
 training, mentoring, and organizing community groups, volunteers, and other stakeholders
 transferring ownership of prevention programs to the community
 utilizing media outlets
 utilizing technological resources in presentation delivery
 working collaboratively within the public health system
 working with diverse populations
 working with existing organizational and community structures
 working with political, judicial, and law enforcement systems
 working within existing community structures and norms
 working within existing organizational and community structures
 working within local political systems
 working within the context of the organizational culture