Title: Prevention Educator Competency Training
Format: Virtual via Zoom
Date: August 26 & 27, 2025
Time: 9 am- 4:30 pm each session- CST
Continuing Education Hours: 12 in Multiple IC&RC Domains
Price: $375
Registration Link: 

This email will be used for each individual to sign into Zoom workshop(s).
A minimum of 12 students need to be registered for this course to be held.
In the event PTS cancels the class, participants already registered will be given the option to apply the course fee paid to another class or receive a full refund.
We are happy to work with you for any substitutions.
Cancellations and substitutions for registrations must be in writing and emailed to register@preventiontrainingservices.com at least 5 days before the event begins. Cancellations will incur a $25 administrative fee plus any credit card processing fees.
More detailed information can be found at https://preventiontrainingservices.com/wp/terms (link below)


Fast Track

Created for the new Prevention Educator in the field 0- 9 Months

Session One
Defining Prevention
Risk & Protective Factors
Prevention Strategies 
Spectrum of Mental, Emotional & Behavioral Interventions
Human Development Theories

Session Two
Evidence Based Prevention
Social Development Strategy
Strategic Prevention Framework
Science of Addiction
Drug Schedules, Classifications and Effects

Competence, Certification, Connection