Skills Academy    Academy 101      Academy 102      Academy 103      Academy 104      Academy 105      Academy 201

Competence, Certification, Connection

The agenda is simple in design: One 3 hour session per week for six weeks. Each week we will instruct on one topic and its related skills, provide an online small group opportunity to make application of the topic and network with other professionals.

Academy 101 Topics:

Prevention Fundamentals
IC&RC Certification
Prevention Domains
Socioecological Model
The Science of Addiction
Drug Identification

Each session will be online from 9:00 am- 12:00 CDT

Session Overview:

Prevention Fundamentals     Learn the basics of prevention and be able to identify resources for your continuing education. Meet other prevention specialist and discover what they are doing in their community.

IC&RC Certification     Learn what you need to become certified and be able to create a professional development plan. Meet other prevention specialist and discover their plan to become certified.

Prevention Domains     Learn about the six prevention domains, 58 tasks, 130 knowledge items and 109 skills to develop as you become a competent prevention specialist. Work with other prevention specialist to create an action plan to become highly competent.

Socioecological Model     Learn about the Sociological Systems Theory and be able to define how to work within existing organizational and community structures. Work with other prevention specialist to implement effective, outcome focused prevention programs.

The Science of Addiction     Learn about what we are preventing: Substance use, misuse and disorders and be able to identify signs of behavioral health issues. Work with other prevention specialist to develop ways to teach the community about substance use disorders.

Drug Identification     Learn about drug classifications and be able to identify the effects of drugs on the brain and body. Work with other prevention specialist to develop methods to teach others about stimulants, depressants and hallucinogens.

The Academy experience will enhance your skills and ability to perform your prevention specialist responsibilities. Evaluations will improve!  Supervisors will take notice!

A certificate of completion and 18 continuing education hours will be awarded upon successful completion of this academy. If for any reason a participant misses part of the Academy they can still be awarded continuing education hours for their completed sessions. In order to build professional relationships Academy participants need to be present for each session and active in their small groups.  Registration for individual sessions and/ or make up sessions are not available.

Registration is limited and filling fast.